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16. CF Deployment Options

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When we update a stack, this allow us to see what changes will happen before applying them. It won’t tell us whether the update will be successful.

We can create a ChangeSet when we are creating/updating a stack, an it’ll show the changes.

This will put the stack in a “Review in progress” status, which we can act on in the “Change sets” tab.

Stack Creation Failures

If a CF stack fails, it will get to a ROLLBACK_COMPLETE. This means CF tried to create some resources but one failed, so it rolled back all the changed.

Rollback triggers

This enables CF to rollback stack operations if that operations triggers a CloudWatch Alarm. This alarm can be monitores during:

  • Stack create/update.
  • The monitoring period from 0 to 180 minutes.

If any of the alarmas goes to the ALARM state, CF will roll back the entire operation.