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Section 4

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An IAM is a Identity and Access Managment, which is a service. It allows for the creation of a root account and users and groups. Normally, it’s good practice that all users belong to at least a group.

This allows us to create permissions, which can be assigned by JSON documents called polices.

Normally it’s like:

  "version:": "2021-10-17",
  Statement: [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "ec2:Descrice",
      "Resource": "*"

Create users

These are normally set globally for an account. In IAM, under Access management > Users you can click on Add user.

Normally, you create at least a new user for an admin and add it to a admin group.

IAM Polices

The creation of groups allows us to take advantage of inheritance, where all members of a group get the same permissions. It’s really powerful because you can have an user in multiple groups. It consists of:

  • Version: policy language version. Always includes “2012-10-17”
  • ID: it’s an identifier for the policy. Optional.
  • Statement: one or more individual statements. It consists of:
    • SID: an identifier for the statement.
    • Effect: whether it allows or denies access.
    • Principal: account/user/role to which the policy applies.
    • Actions: list of actions this policy allows or denies.
    • Resource: list of resources to which the actions are applied.
    • Conditional: conditions for when to use the policy.


On section 15 of the course you can have an overview of MFA and security of the accounts. It’s mainly on strong passwords and MFA. In AWS you can use a Virtual MFA like Authy or a Universal 2nd Factor Security Key (U2F) like Yubikey.

Access CLI and SDK

These services are other ways to access AWS which are protected by access keys. Each user manage their own access keys, which are secrets. These are generated through the AWS Console and you can download it and install it in any computer.

The AWS CLI allows us direct access to the public APIs of AWS services, where you can develop scripts to manage.

On the other hand, SDK is a set of libraries what enables you to access and manage AWS services programmatically, being embedded in your application.

To see how to download, see Lesson 18.

IAM Roles

Sometimes, AWS services will need to perform actions on your behalf. To do so, we will assign permissions to AWS services with IAM Roles, like to a EC2 Instance.