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14. Nested Stacks

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Nested stacks that are part of other stacks. They allow you to isolate repeated patterns common components, etc. These are considered best practice, and to update a nested stack, you always need to update the parent.


We can output values for others stacks inside the nested stack like this:

    Value: !Ref SSHSecGroup
    Description: A meaningful description

Then we have to create a resource of the type AWS::CloudFormation::Stack, so we first upload our last stack to a S3 bucket, copy its URL and create the resource like the following. More info in the docs.

Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack
    - String
    Key : Value
    - Tag
  TemplateURL: String
  TimeoutInMinutes: Integer


To update a nested stack, we need to update the parent. For this, we’ll need to update a new file to a S3 Bucket and change the URL for the new one or use a “version” of the same S3 object.

Cross Stacks

These are helpful when stacks have different lifecycles. We can use the Outputs Export and Fn::ImportValue for things like VPC Id, etc.

On the other hand, nested stacks are helpful when components must be reused.